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Obtain real-time flood warning updates
Flood Alert is updated every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day to ensure you have access to the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Access live flood risk information on the go
Flood Alert can be used on a desktop, tablet or mobile device so you can access on the move. You can also search for warnings across England and Wales using postcodes or specific location name and filter information by country or river name.

Be prepared
Flood Alert provides timely detection of possible flood risks and floods near you so you can be prepared to take preventative action.
Find more helpful information and guidance:

Having developed the technology that is at the heart of the national flood forecasting services of England, Wales and Scotland, and as a global leader in water management, we understand what is important when it comes to flood forecasting. Using our expert knowledge of the live flood warning data, we have developed Flood Alert.
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